I Am Because He Is

7 April, 2020

I absolutely love this phrase and I can’t wait to get it printed on my merchandise! I am because He is. It’s so easy to forget about our identity in all the chaos. Isn’t it beautiful we are made in the image of God therefore we have the same power inside of us?


Can I be transparent with you? Lately I’ve been feeling overwhelmed. I felt so much pressure on me, in terms of my career and my walk with God. Due to the pandemic going on around the world, it seems there’s unnecessary pressure to be doing more, “you should be working on that business, learn a new skill and spend more time with God”, this is all I’ve been hearing.


And as a nurse, not much has changed in my routine because I still go to work. I was feeling so guilty for not spending more time with God or not doing the things everyone’s doing. I mean, a part of me wished I could also be off and work on those things, but I also wondered why I felt pressured to be doing those things. I mean, on my off days, I like to catch up on some sleep, perhaps watch a movie and catch up with my friends. However, whenever I would do those things I would feel a sense of guilt because I know I could be reading a book or doing something more productive. Honestly, the fear of leaving the house, yet alone looking after patients during this time is overwhelming enough. Then I would get people asking me “how is work”, I was beginning to hate that question to be honest, because I felt like it was all they wanted to know, they didn’t really care about how I was doing as a person in general. But I totally understand and appreciate people reaching out to me, but I just wished they would ask about other things instead.


Anyways, yesterday was different. I began to shift my thoughts on good things instead of condemning myself of what I wasn’t doing right. For example, I’ve been holding prayer sessions with my Kingdom Sons and Daughters team, I have been encouraging my friends and family as well as doing other things. Although I strive to go deeper with my walk with Christ and to work on myself as a person, I’m also learning not to condemn myself for resting.


During online service yesterday, my bishop spoke about us focusing our attention entirely on Christ (not the pandemic) and also using the power we have to declare things forth. That’s when it really hit me, I wasn’t using the power that God has given me, I was allowing social media to determine my emotions. So from today onwards for 21 days, I have decided to challenge myself to declare at least 2 things over myself, family or the nation every day; I will also state 1 thing I’m grateful for. I believe this will really help me to shift my attention and focus on the bright side. If you’ve been feeling like you’ve lost focus, or feel overwhelmed, I’ll like to encourage you to join me on this challenge.


To all the NHS staff and people still having to work, please do not put pressure on yourself like I did. Resting is vital, you do not have to do what everyone else is doing. I pray for protection, peace that surpasses all understanding, boldness and incredible strength in this time.


To anyone suffering in silence, I want to encourage you, you are not alone. Keep pushing through, meditate on Psalm 91. My condolence to anyone that has lost a loved one, I’m praying for strength for you. God will see us through. You are loved, you are blessed, you are whole in Him 🧡 God is still a good God, He will never go against his word.


Please please please check up on your loved ones, reach out to people and help others in any way that you can (eg. prayers, financially etc). Remember we are still the light of the world, the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. - John 1:5


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